Dreams do come true
Saturday was my grand opening day at the Farmer's Market. What a blast!!!
Despite the wee hours of the morning (had to get up at 5 :-O ), the whole process went very smoothly. We pulled up the car by the stall area (stall #28, I love it!!), unloaded all the stuff and while Jos went to park the car, I started assembling. Then he came back and helped me and the tent was open in less than 15 minutes. Then he went and helped other people open their tents, because he is a wonderful man. (sorry Girls, he is taken)
The market atmosphere is great and every one looks out for the each other. I have great neighbors: Annie the Baker is behind me to the right and she makes yummy cookies (not bad for a neighbor :-) ). She is also a lovely Lady, full of energy and great spirit. Then there is this nice young fellow next to me (I forgot his name, sorry ...), who sells Afghan breads and Italian spreads. It seems like an odd combination, but it actually works out nicely, because the Afghan bread is like a flat bread.
Across the aisle, right in front of me, is Dana, who makes organic dog food, and Vegas, her dog, who stays in the car behind her and is just happy to be close to Mom.
Really nice people, I could not ask for more.
In the beginning, I was really nervous and I only sold 1 package from 7:30 until 10. But then all my dear friends showed up to support me: Lori, Sheri, Mary and Terry, Kathy, Sandi and Bob, thank you Guys!!! It suddenly got really busy and I was running out of free samples. Yay!!!! People seem to like it, I always got a "yummy" sound once they tasted the cheese bread. I met my self-imposed sales quota and it is very exciting. A lot of customers had been in Brazil or knew someone who had, so there was a lot of connection, really great.
I also ran a customer feedback survey (back to the organization thing, very important) and now I know which flavors to work on next, which I am not going to share, otherwise I will spoil the surprise. Next Tuesday is going to be my next appearance at the market, and from then on, it will be most Tuesdays and all Saturdays. I can't wait, it is really a lot of fun.
I know it sounds corny, but to see people try the food and like it, is the whole point why I made this career change. Who said dreams do not come true? Of course they do, but you have to work hard at them.
A BIG THANK YOU goes to my wonderful HUSBAND, without whom, this perfect moment would not have been perfect at all.
What it goes into making it happen:
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